Celebrating A Lady

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It’s that time of the year again!

A time when the clock stands still in silent anticipation of an arrival. The arrival of a moment so precious in time, it’s worth cannot be done justice to in mere words.

A day awarded special importance to; celebrating a life and times of a very special person. A day that stands out, magnified into enormity, when the world stands still in awe of the levels of sheer magnificence housed inside to a single person.

Alright, now that we have the necessities done with, let’s get down to business in, let’s say, slightly more regular lingo.


Roshin Susan Mathew.

You define and redefine every aspect of being a complete individual. You’ve retained just the right levels of swag (of which you had a sneak peek moments ago) to keep the world watching, while embracing multitudes of humility, giving rise to one of the most charming personalities people have the good fortune to meet.

The simplistic flair, the easy-going cheer and the affable charm give you a strength of personality as well as character not easily found in the diverse spectrum of people across the world today. At every instance, every walk of life you display such strong examples of your inherent morality and immensely strong sense of judgment, that people can’t help but be in awe.


With that winning smile well retained (with significantly more teeth, albeit), you are someone easily accepted to anyone’s inner circle. The vibes around you flow so strong with positivity, one can’t help but take you in, and keep you there for life, trusting into both your judgment as well as confidentiality.

And yet, beyond all that, when one peeks inside the clockwork of your own mind, there lie scores of mysteries yet to be unraveled, well beyond the scope of the girl-next-door on the outside. The sheer strength of resolve inside you, the sharp clicks of the gears working your brain, the courage and drive to try new experiences in life, and lastly and perhaps most importantly, the ability to know that you want something, and then going ahead and doing everything in your power to achieve it.

That’s who you are and that’s who you’ll continue to be for a long, long time to come.


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21 years of perfecting an art. An art of honing a person to sheer perfection.

That is what we are out here today to celebrate. Perfection.

On paper it seems like a real big number doesn’t it? But if you really think about it, does it really seem like that big a difference?

Oh. Wait. HELL YEAH it does!

Roshin, you’re 21 today! That age of blossoming into a lady from a girl. The moment in time when you take control of the reins of your own life; strong, independent, and ready to take on the world.

Your toolbox now houses every trick in the trade for your survival in the open world. All that remains is to spread your wings out in their full span, and fly!

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Denying all those cynical ‘just another number’ opinions, let’s take this opportunity to really set this in stone. Let this day mark a big stepping stone, the last period to end an entire chapter in your life, and the beginning of a whole new phase.

The world lies at your feet, up to the brim with just the right opportunities waiting to be taken up. Get up on your feet, embrace the new span of time, and set upon your chosen path.

And with an extra loud bang to mark this extra special day, let the world know, that Roshin Susan Mathew, has arrived.

That Magic Number